COUNT Distribution

CO2 neutral deliveries during Earth Month

Since joining the COUNT Group in March 2021, COUNT Energy Distribution has been working on sustainable practices and efforts, to be your beacon for the sustainable transition. Today, we are pleased to officially kick off our sustainability journey with Earth Month! During the entire month of April, COUNT Energy Distribution will offset the transport emissions of all deliveries, distributed, and purchased.

4 min read

At COUNT, we are working hard to make our unsustainable industry as sustainable as possible, but due to the lack of recycled feedstocks and sustainable technology, the petrochemical sector still faces challenges in providing companies with completely sustainable alternatives.

For this reason, we believe that carbon offsetting is an important steppingstone in improving the environmental impact of the petrochemical industry. If the goal is to reach CO2 neutrality, we all must start somewhere.

But what is CO2 neutrality?

Being carbon neutral means that the CO2 that is emitted through processes (be it manufacturing, transportation or disposal) is absorbed or avoided elsewhere. In April, COUNT Energy Distribution is expecting to deliver about 6.5 KT of chemicals, which will account for approximately 189 MT of CO2 emissions through road, rail, and sea transport. But during Earth Month, we are offsetting all these emissions by supporting the Verra-certified Valparaiso Project in the Brazilian Amazon.

This project, as part of the REDD+ initiative (a UN framework for providing funding to protect and improve ecosystem service provision), seeks to protect and conserve ecologically vulnerable tropical forest areas in the state of Acre, Brazil. Furthermore, as a CCB-certified (Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards) project, COUNT and its customers can rest assured that the project contributes to the sustainable development of local and traditional communities in the Amazon rainforest.

How does this benefit our partners?

To keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius – and thus limit sea level rise, the frequency of extreme weather events and ocean acidification – the world economy needs to be carbon neutral by 2050 at the latest. At COUNT we believe this should be a joint effort, and we want to do our part, while helping our partners do theirs.

As such, COUNT Energy Distribution is helping its customers reach their climate targets by offsetting the transport emissions of all deliveries with no extra costs. Beyond reducing their carbon emission, our customers can use this to report that their upstream emissions have been compensated for, and it can help them towards achieving sustainability certifications. Meanwhile, we keep working on long-term ways of reducing and avoiding CO2 emissions, with the goal of being your go-to sustainability facilitator in our industry!

Are you interested in knowing how COUNT can guide you on your journey towards a sustainable future? Contact our Sustainability Lab at sustainability@countenergytrading.com!